Podospora anserina mutant defective in protoperithecium formation, ascospore germination, and cell regeneration

A mutant (modx) was selected on the basis of the suppression of self-lysis due to a recessive mutation (modB). modx, a dominant mutation, reduced hyphal branching from nonapical cells, abolished protoperithecium formation, and induced the death of stationary cells only when these were isolated to obtain further development. Mutant ascospores, formed in the fruiting bodies which occasionally occur under specific conditions (32 degrees C on starved medium), showed a delay in the germination process (up to 3 months instead of about 5 h for wild-type ascospores) when submitted to incubation under standard conditions (26 degrees C on germination medium) and failed to germinate at 18 degrees C. Revertants from modx strains, selected on the basis of the suppression of the nonrenewal of growth from stationary cells, were wild type for all the other three defects. Indirect arguments suggested that the modx mutant strain might be defective in the control of a specific class of stable messenger ribonucleic acids which would be essential for the physiology of ascospores and stationary cells.

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