Progress in protein quality of maize

The protein quality of some improved protein quality maize varieties grown in Mexico was measured chemically (including amino acid analyses) and biologically, in N‐balance experiments with growing rats. The protein content ranged from 10.61 to 12.84%. Lysine 100 g−1 protein varied between 2.63% for a normal variety to 4.18% for one of the improved varieties. The tryptophan content in the improved varieties was increased by 40‐100%. There was a highly significant (Pr=0.98) between biological value and lysine 100 g−1 protein whereas the relationship between protein and available carbohydrate was not significant. True protein digestibility was very high and above 95% in all samples. Biological value, however, was higher by 10‐15 percentage units in the improved materials compared to the normal maize.