Efficient variable time-stepping scheme for intense field-atom interactions

The recently developed Residuum method [Tal-Ezer, Kosloff, and Cerjan, J. Comput. Phys. 100, 179 (1992)], a Krylov subspace technique with variable time-step integration for the solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, is applied to the frequently used soft Coulomb potential in an intense laser field. This one-dimensional potential has asymptotic Coulomb dependence with a ‘‘softened’’ singularity at the origin; thus it models more realistic phenomena. Two of the more important quantities usually calculated in this idealized system are the photoelectron and harmonic photon generation spectra. These quantities are shown to be sensitive to the choice of a numerical integration scheme: some spectral features are incorrectly calculated or missing altogether. Furthermore, the Residuum method allows much larger grid spacings for equivalent or higher accuracy in addition to the advantages of variable time stepping. Finally, it is demonstrated that enhanced high-order harmonic generation accompanies intense field stabilization and that preparation of the atom in an intermediate Rydberg state leads to stabilization at much lower laser intensity.