H2(p,pp)nreaction at 23 MeV

A kinematically complete experiment that examines the H2(p,pp)n reaction at several quasifree angles has been performed. The results are compared with calculations performed with a program based on the code of Ebenhöh that solves the Faddeev equations with separable two-body potentials. The calculations are compared with two other programs that use a different integration contour, and the numerical differences are found to be small. The Ebenhöh code is used with three S-wave Yamaguchi potentials. Two of the potentials differ primarily in their predictions of the singlet pp scattering length. The third potential fits the two-body np and pp scattering data below 30 MeV. The potentials give generally good fits to the breakup data, but do not provide a precise fit to the angular distribution for the quasifree peaks. The potentials themselves differ by about 30% in the predicted quasifree peaks. The calculations explictly show that interference effects are important. It is concluded that a precise fit to the NN data is not sufficient alone to guarantee a fit to quasifree deuteron breakup data and that the Yamaguchi form factor is inadequate for this purpose.