Simian virus 40 major late promoter: an upstream DNA sequence required for efficient in vitro transcription.

We have previously identified an 11-base DNA sequence, 5'-G-G-T-A-C-C-T-A-A-C-C-3' (simian virus 40 [SV40] map position 294 to 304), which is important in the control of SV40 late RNA expression in vitro and in vivo (Brady et al., Cell 31:625-633, 1982). We report here the identification of another domain of the SV40 late promoter. A series of mutants with deletions extending from SV40 map position 0 to 300 was prepared by nuclease BAL 31 treatment. The cloned templates were then analyzed for efficiency and accuracy of late SV40 RNA expression in the Manley in vitro transcription system. Our studies showed that, in addition to the promoter domain near map position 300, there are essential DNA sequences between nucleotide positions 74 and 95 that are required for efficient expression of late SV40 RNA. Included in this SV40 DNA sequence were two of the six GGGCGG SV40 repeat sequences and an 11-nucleotide segment which showed strong homology with the upstream sequences required for the efficient in vitro and in vivo expression of the histone H2A gene. This upstream promoter sequence supported transcription with the same efficiency even when it was moved 72 nucleotides closer to the major late cap site. In vitro promoter competition analysis demonstrated that the upstream promoter sequence, independent of the 294 to 304 promoter element, is capable of binding polymerase-transcription factors required for SV40 late gene transcription. Finally, we show that DNA sequences which control the specificity of RNA initiation at nucleotide 325 lie downstream of map position 294.