Induced Second-Class-Current Effects in Hyperon Beta Decay

Within the framework of the Cabibbo theory we investigate the role played by SU(3)-symmetry breaking in generating a pseudotensor form factor g2(q2) in the hadronic matrix element for hyperon beta decay. Such an estimate is necessary before one can infer the existence of second-class currents from the experimental observation of this term. g2(q2) is assumed to obey an unsubtracted dispersion relation, and the contributions to the dispersion integral from the lowest-mass two-body intermediate states (the vector-pseudoscalar-meson states) are studied. The imaginary part of the form factor is computed from the triangle graph in which single-baryon exchange is retained as the scattering mechanism. The violation of unitarity by this mechanism above the BB¯ annihilation threshold provides a natural cutoff in the dispersion integral. Known mass breakings and estimates of SU(3)-coupling breakings are used to determine values of g2(0) for all the ΔS=1 beta decays of the JP=12+ hyperons and for the Σ±Λ beta decays. The corrections to this calculation arising from higher-mass states (tensor-pseudoscalar-meson and baryon-antibaryon) are found to be quite small. The effects of axial-vector-meson resonances on the vector-pseudoscalar calculation are also examined. The computed value of g2(0) for Λp beta decay is more than an order of magnitude smaller than the value suggested by some experiments. The implications of this result for the existence of second-class currents are discussed. The Σ±Λ decays are predicted to have the largest induced value of g2(0). The utility of these decays in distinguishing between real second-class effects and those induced by SU(3) breaking is stressed.