Protoplast-fusion-mediated transfer of organelles from Microcitrus into Citrus and regeneration of novel alloplasmic trees

Iodoacetate-treated Citrus protoplasts from embryogenic nucellar calli of Sour orange (C. aurantium) or from Rough lemon (C. jambhiri) were fused with γ-irradiated protoplasts from a related genus, Microcitrus. The fused protoplasts were cultured to obtain colonies and micro-calli. Micro-calli derived from these two fusion combinations were isolated, propagated and differentiated into embryos, which subsequently regenerated trees having the morphology of Sour orange or Rough lemon. These intergeneric fusions resulted in mitochondria with novel DNA, indicating recombination between the chondriomes of Citrus and Microcitrus. Chloroplast DNA analyses of fusion-derived embryos indicated that they contained the chloroplasts of either fusion-partner or a mix of these chloroplasts. Later plastome analyses of leaves from fully differentiated plants showed that cybrids having Rough lemon morphology had either Rough lemon or Microcitrus chloroplast DNA, indicating complete sorting out of chloroplasts. Likewise, sorting out of Microcitrus chloroplasts was detected in a cybrid plant having Sour orange morphology.