Deexcitationγrays following the photodisintegration ofO17

Bremsstrahlung-weighted integrated cross sections for photoproton and photoneutron emission from O17 to excited residual states in N16 and O16 have been measured by detecting the deexcitation γ rays emitted from these states in the residual nuclei. The results are compared with the previously reported (γ17,p) and (γ17,n) cross sections. About 90% of photoproton emission from O17 populates the ground-state (2−) and the 0.298-MeV (3−) level in N16. It is concluded that this is the result of a single-particle excitation and emission process. The remaining photoproton emission, leading to the 0.120-MeV (0−) and 0.397-MeV (1−) levels, occurs during the preequilibrium stage or from the compound nucleus. The results further indicate that these decay fractions are approximately independent of excitation energy in O17. For the (γ17,n)16O reaction, the results show that emission to bound states in O16 is predominantly to the O16 ground state (0+), with 4% of the decay from the O17 giant dipole resonance going to the 6.13-MeV (3−) excited state; population of other bound states is not observed.

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