Measurement of fluid turbulence based on pulsed ultrasound techniques. Part 1. Analysis

The pulsed ultrasonic Doppler velocimeter has been used extensively in transcutaneous measurement of the velocity of blood in the human body. It would be useful to evaluate turbulent flow with this device in both medical and non-medical applications. However, the complex behaviour and limitations of the pulsed Doppler velocimeter when applied to random flow have not yet been fully investigated.In this study a three-dimensional stochastic model of the pulsed ultrasonic Doppler velocimeter for the case of a highly focused and damped transducer and isotropic turbulence is presented. The analysis predicts the correlation and spectral functions of the Doppler signal and the detected velocity signal. The analysis addresses specifically the considerations and limitations of measuring turbulent intensities and one-dimensional velocity spectra.Results show that the turbulent intensity can be deduced from the broadening of the spectrum of the Doppler signal and a mathematical description of the effective sample-volume directivity.In the measurement of one-dimensional velocity spectra at least two major complicacations are identified and quantified. First, the presence of a time-varying, broad-band random process (the Doppler ambiguity process) obscures the spectrum of the random velocity. This phenomenon is similar to that occurring in laser anemometry, but the ratio of the level of the ambiguity spectrum to the largest detected velocity spectral component can be typically two to three orders of magnitude greater for ultrasonic technique owing to the much greater wavelength.Secondly, the spatial averaging of the velocity field in the sample volume causes attenuation in the measured velocity spectrum. For the ultrasonic velocimeter, this effect is very significant.The influence of the Doppler ambiguity process can be reduced by the use of two sample volumes on the same acoustic beam. The signals from the two sample volumes are cross-correlated, removing the Doppler ambiguity process, while retaining the random velocity. The effects of this technique on the detected velocity spectrum are quantified explicitly in the analysis for the case of a three-dimensional Gaussianshaped sample-volume directivity.