Ambisense segment 4 of rice stripe virus: possible evolutionary relationship with phleboviruses and uukuviruses (Bunyaviridae)

The complete nucleotide sequence of segment 4 of the rice strip virus (RSV) genome was determined from overalpping cDNA clones and by direct RNA sequencing. the segment has two long open reading frames (ORFs). One of the ORFs (534 bases) is in the 5'' region of the viral sequence, and the other (858 bses( is in the viral complementary sequence fo the viral 3'' region. Such ambisense genome organizations have beenseen previously in RNAs of phleobviruses, uukuviruses and arenaviruses. The ORF in the viral sequence encodes the major non-structural protein, but th eproduct of the ORF in the firal complementary sequence (Mr 32407) has not yet been identified. The first 18 bases of each of the 5'' and 3'' ends of segment 4 are complementary in sequence. Among the 3''-terminal 16 bases, 14 were identical between RSV genome segments 3 and 4. These terminal sequences are very similar to those of RNAs of phleboviruses and uukurivurses. These andother characteristics indicate a possible evolutionary relationship between RSV and phleboviruses and/or uukuviruses.