Internal Field Studies of Ferromagnetic CrI3by Means of the Mössbauer Effect inI129

The Mössbauer effect in the 27.8-keV transition of I129 was used to measure the coupling constants of the internal fields of the insulating ferromagnet CrI3 above and below the Curie temperature (TC). Above TC, at 78°K, the following parameters were obtained: e2qQ(I127)=+662±8 Mc/sec; η=0.35±0.05; isomer shift =+0.23±0.05 mm/sec with respect to a Zn66 Te129 (T12=70 m) source at 80°K. Below TC, at 21°K, we deduce the following: Hi=25±5 kOe; cosβ=0.45±0.05. The e2qQ value at 21°K was 727 Mc/sec, 10% greater than that at 78°K.