Development ofDipetalonema viteae third-stage larvae (Nematoda: Filarioidea) in micropore chambers implanted into jirds, hamsters, normal and immunized mice

Development of third-stage larvae ofDipetalonema viteae within subcutaneously implanted micropore chambers proceeded in all hosts tested up to the fourth-stage larvae and occasionally to adolescent worms. In the jird the timing of development was comparable to a natural infection. Although the mouse is an insusceptible host, larval development could take place, but was very slow. Two intraperitoneal inoculations of living thirdstage larvae into mice induced the production of antibodies against the larval cuticle and against common antigens. In such immune mice the development of third- and fourth-stage larvae within micropore chambers was significantly inhibited, larval mortality was increased, and the larval motility was impaired.