This study explores the association between variation in pollinator type and flower size in Macromeria viridiflora (Boraginaceae) by studying the breeding system of the plant and the pollinator effectiveness of floral visitors. Studies were conducted at two sites where plants differ in flower size and floral visitors. Breeding system studies showed that while plants are self‐compatible and occasionally produce seed autogamously, pollinators are important for reproductive success in the plants. However, plants are not pollinator‐limited at these sites. Combining visitation rate and pollen deposition as measures of pollinator effectiveness, I found hummingbirds to be the most effective pollinators at both sites. Although hawkmoths also pollinate the flowers, they visit the flowers less frequently and, at one of the two sites, deposit less pollen. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that geographic variation in corolla size is the result of selection by different hummingbird species.
Funding Information
  • American Society of Plant Taxonomists