Nuclear specific heat of bccHe3near the magnetic ordering transitions

Precise specific-heat measurements were made on low-density samples of bcc He3 in the vicinity of the various magnetic ordering transitions. The data obtained for magnetic fields of 0, 6, and 10 kOe span the temperature range 0.610 mK. At H=0, the data exhibit an extremely sharp peak indicative of a first-order transition. Below TN the specific heat is proportional to T3 and yields a spin-wave velocity (vspin) in excellent agreement with a previous determination. Above TN, the results show no anomalous satellite peaks as seen in other experiments and as suggested by theoretical calculations. Within the precision of the measurements, the effect of changing the density is only to rescale the temperature. The data obtained at 6 and 10 kOe, when plotted as a function of T/Tc, nearly fall on a universal curve with a shape characteristic of a λ-type transition. A detailed analysis of the density distribution in the solid He3 samples supports the claim that this transition is second order. At 10 kOe, Tc is found to be proportional to V8.7, where V is the molar volume. It is demonstrated, however, that this dependence is consistent with the exchange energies being proportional to V17, in agreement with other experiments. As a function of increasing field, vspin decreases for H<4 kOe and increases at higher fields. Above 4 kOe, vspin is proportional to Tc. The field-induced increase in the paramagnetic-phase specific heat can be described well by the free-spin expression with an effective magnetic moment equal to 0.83μB. Magnetization results inferred from the specific-heat data are in excellent agreement with direct measurements. The H-T phase diagram which is thermodynamically consistent with the new data is presented. Also included are results for the field-dependent boundary resistance between solid He3 and silver.