We demonstrate an approach for global quantitative analysis of protein mixtures using differential stable isotopic labeling of the enzyme-digested peptides combined with microbore liquid chromatography (LC) matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry (MS). Microbore LC provides higher sample loading, compared to capillary LC, which facilitates the quantification of low abundance proteins in protein mixtures. In this work, microbore LC is combined with MALDI MS via a heated droplet interface. The compatibilities of two global peptide labeling methods (i.e., esterification to carboxylic groups and dimethylation to amine groups of peptides) with this LC-MALDI technique are evaluated. Using a quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometer, MALDI spectra of the peptides in individual sample spots are obtained to determine the abundance ratio among pairs of differential isotopically labeled peptides. MS/MS spectra are subsequently obtained from the peptide pairs showing significant abundance differences to determine the sequences of selected peptides for protein identification. The peptide sequences determined from MS/MS database search are confirmed by using the overlaid fragment ion spectra generated from a pair of differentially labeled peptides. The effectiveness of this microbore LC-MALDI approach is demonstrated in the quantification and identification of peptides from a mixture of standard proteins as well as E. coli whole cell extract of known relative concentrations. It is shown that this approach provides a facile and economical means of comparing relative protein abundances from two proteome samples.