Two cAMP receptors activate common signaling pathways in Dictyostelium.

Multiple signal transduction pathways within a single cell may share common components. In particular, seven different transmembrane helix receptors may activate identical pathways by interacting with the same G-proteins. Dictyostelium cells respond to cAMP using one such receptor, cAR1, coupled by a typical heterotrimeric G-protein to intracellular effectors. However, cells in which the gene for cAR1 has been deleted are unexpectedly still able to respond to cAMP. This implies either that certain responses are mediated by a different receptor than cAR1, or alternatively that a second, partially redundant receptor shares some of the functions of cAR1. We have examined the dose response and ligand specificity of one response, cAMP relay, and the dose response of another, cyclic GMP synthesis. In each case, the EC50 was approximately 100-fold higher and the maximal response was smaller in car1- than wild-type cells. These data indicate that cAR1 normally mediates responses to cAMP. The ligand specificity suggests that the responses seen in car1- mutants are mediated by a second receptor, cAR3. To test this hypothesis, we constructed a cell line containing deletions of both cAR1 and cAR3 genes. As predicted, these lines are totally insensitive to cAMP. We conclude that the functions of the cAR1 and cAR3 receptors are partially redundant and that both interact with the same heterotrimeric G-protein to mediate these and other responses.