TRANSFER OF EPISOMIC ELEMENTS TO PROTEUS II. Nature of lac + Proteus Strains Isolated From Clinical Specimens

Falkow, Stanley (Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington, D.C.), J. A. Wohlhieter, R. V. Citarella, and L. S. Baron. Transfer of episomic elements to Proteus. II. Nature of lac+Proteus strains isolated from clinical specimens. J. Bacteriol. 88:1598–1601. 1964.—Strains of Proteus mirabilis exhibiting the unusual property of utilizing lactose (lac+) have been reported in clinical material. A genetic examination discloses that the lac+ determinants in these Proteus strains are associated with an infectious element, P, which is distinct from the sex factor of Escherichia coli K-12. The composite genetic element, P-lac, is readily transmissible to other enteric species and possesses properties which conform to those of an episomic element of the transfer variety. CsCl density-gradient studies of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) extracted from lac+P. mirabilis indicate that the P-lac+ element did not arise in this species, but was acquired from an organism possessing a markedly different DNA base composition.

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