Variability of mitochondrial DNA in Japanese dace, Tribolodon hakonensis (Cyprinidae).

Intra- and inter-populational variations of Japanese dace Tribolodon hakonensis collected at three locations which were geographically distant from each other were examined with restriction fragment analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Twelve mtDNA types (Types I-XII) were discriminated and each type was population specific. Namely, Otsuchi Bay Population contained Types I to V, the Monobe River Population contained Types VI and VII, and Lake Biwa Population contained Types VIII to XII. The mean number of nucleotide differences per site within a population was estimated to be 0.07-0.23%, whereas interpopulational divergence was estimated to be 0.77-0.94%. The present study on mtDNA suggests that the three populations of T. hakonensis have been highly differentiated from each other.