Muon Decay: Measurement of the Transverse Polarization of the Decay Positrons and its Implications for the Fermi Coupling Constant and Time Reversal Invariance

The two transverse polarization components PT1 and PT2 of the e+ from the decay of polarized μ+ have been measured as a function of the e+ energy. Their energy averaged values are PT1=(6.3±7.7±3.4)×103 and PT2=(3.7±7.7±3.4)×103. From the energy dependence of PT1 and PT2 the decay parameters η,η and α/A,β/A are derived, respectively. Assuming only one additional coupling besides the dominant VA interaction one gets improved limits on η, β/A, and the scalar coupling constant gRRS:η=(2.1±7.0±1.0)×103, β/A=(1.3±3.5±0.6)×103, Re{gRRS}=(4.2±14.0±2.0)×103, and Im{gRRS}=(5.2±14.0±2.4)×103.