Mechanism of Hydroxyl Radical Generation from a Silica Surface: Molecular Orbital Calculations

The interaction of an H(2)O molecule with cluster models of fractured silica surfaces was studied by means of quantum mechanical calculations. Two clusters representing homolytic cleavage (triple bond Si(*) and triple bond SiO(*)) and two representing heterolytic cleavage (triple bond Si(+) and triple bond Si-O(-)) of silica surfaces were modeled. Vibrational frequencies of the reactants and products of these silica surfaces reacting with H(2)O have been calculated and compare favorably with experiment. Comparisons of the Gibbs free and potential energies for the model ionic and radical states were made, and the radical pair of sites was predicted to be more stable by approximately -70 to -85 kJ/mol, depending on the computational methodology. These calculations suggest that when silica is fractured in a vacuum homolytic cleavage is favored. Reaction pathways were investigated for these four model surface sites interacting with H(2)O. The reaction of H(2)O with triple bond SiO(*) was predicted to generate OH(*). Rate constants for these reactions were also calculated and predict a rapid equibrium for the reaction triple bond SiO(*) + H(2)O --> triple bond SiOH + OH(*). Stability of a finite number of triple bond SiO(*) sites at equilibrium in the above reaction with H(2)O was also predicted, which implies a long-term ability of silica surfaces to produce OH(*) radicals if the sites of the broken bonds do not repolymerize to form siloxane groups.