Far wing depolarisation of collision-induced fluorescence

Redistribution and depolarisation of light scattered by atoms undergoing collisions outside the impact region of the line profile has been studied experimentally and theoretically. In a cell experiment intensity and linear degree of polarisation of the fluorescence components 32S1/2 to or from 32P1/2,3/2 of Na atoms induced by collisions with Ar buffer gas atoms were measured as functions of the laser frequency omega L. The decrease of polarisation of the D2 component observed when omega L is shifted away from the D2 toward D1 resonance disagrees with calculations on the basis of the factorisation approximation of the theory of redistribution. Using Baylis (1975) potentials for the Na/Ar system, the effect is interpreted in terms of adiabatic coupling of the 32P3/2 electronic angular momentum to the collision axis during 'strong' collisions, giving rise to a greater than average depolarisation.