Energy of ions (recoil nuclei) channeled along definite directions in crystals is transferred to the lattice electrons mainly. In NaI(Tl) -type scintillators, this leads to increasing the light yield from ~ 10% to ~ 100% when compared with the yield for electrons of the same energy. Taking into account this effect at processing data of DAMA/ NaI experiments in Gran Sasso, which had demonstrated the year modulation of number of signals in a range of 2–6 keV of electron equivalent, reveals that DAMA/ NaI results could be caused by ~ 6×10-7 cm-2 s-1 flux of daemons (Dark Electric Matter Objects — presumably Planckian relic particles) falling out from strongly elongated heliocentric orbits with velocities of 30–50 km/s. The flux value and the 2–6 keV signal intensity agree rather well with values emerging from our former estimates and interpretations of ground-level and underground measurements.