Relative Significance of Plasma Renin Activity and Concentration in Physiologic and Pathophysiologic Conditions

Plasma renin activity (PRA) and concentration, measured after acid treatment of the plasma (PRC3.3), were determined on the same plasma samples in different conditions. Log PRA and log PRC3.3 were significantly (P less than 0.001) and similarly related to sodium intake, age, and plasma aldosterone concentration in normal subjects. The correlation coefficient between log PRA and log PRC3.3 was 0.49 in 80 sodium-replete and sodium-deplete normal subjects, and it was 0.84 in 84 hypertensive patients untreated or under treatment with thiazides. On the contrary, during beta adrenergic blockade, PRA decreased significantly (P less than 0.001) by 62% while the changes in PRC3.3 were not significant. At maximal exercise, PRA increased significantly by 168% while the PRC3.3 increase of 24% was not significant. In hypertensive patients with unilateral renal artery stenosis the ipsilateral renal vein/artery ratio was higher for PRA (2.46) than for PRC3.3 (1.56), whereas both ratios on the controlateral side were similar and close to one (1.14 and 1.06). The conditions in which PRA and PRC3.3 determinations are concordant or discordant are discussed.