Liposomal delivery system for the targeting and controlled release of praziquantel

The targeting of Praziquantel in a liposomal delivery system can protect its uptake by non-diseased tissues, reduce its metabolism and facilitate its absorption by parasites for a long time period. This paper describes the critical parameters controlling the formation and stability of Praziquantelencapsulated liposomes with ways of optimizing entrapment. The in vivo study of drug release indicates that Praziquantel, as a racemic mixture or stereoisomer, is present in the mouse liver ten days after its administration in liposomal form. Molecular configuration has no effect on deposition of the drug in the liver or on its concentration. Targeting of the (-)-stereoisomer of Praziquantel in liposomal form could eventually lead to the chemoprophylactic treatment of schistosomiasis.