Clinical Application of Beryllium Lymphocyte Proliferation Testing

It has been estimated that up to 800,000 U.S. workers have been exposed to beryllium, with the potential to develop beryllium sensitization or chronic beryllium disease (CBD) (32). Occupations with the highest risk involve processes that generate particulates, especially metal production and machining. In general, the risk of disease is proportional to the intensity and duration of exposure to beryllium (24-26). However, well-documented cases have occurred in susceptible individuals with seemingly brief and trivial exposures, such as residents living near beryllium processing plants or secretaries working in offices attached to factories (13, 25, 34). Beryllium particulates may also be liberated into the air in unexpected settings, such as after the collapse of the World Trade Center (29). However, disease has not been noted in users of beryllium-containing products.