Computerized scintigraphic technique for the evaluation of adult respiratory distress syndrome: initial clinical trials.

Eleven patients with suspected adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and 5 control patients were studied with a computerized .gamma. imaging and analysis technique and 99mTc-labeled human serum albumin. The heart and right lung were imaged, lung:heart ratio was plotted vs. time, and a linear regression was fitted to the data points displayed. The slope of this fit was termed the slope index. An index value of 2 SD greater than the control mean was considered positive. Radiographs from the 6 positive studies revealed typical diffuse air-space disease. Radiographs from 2 of the 5 negative studies demonstrated air-space consolidation. Both these patients had elevated pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, cardiomegaly and clinical course consistent with cardiogenic pulmonary edema. These preliminary data demonstrated a good correlation between positive slope index and clinical ARDS.