Secondary Electron Emission Type Neutral Particle Detector

Experimental studies have been made on the secondary electron emission yields from metal surfaces bombarded byH10,H1+, andH20with energies ranging by 10 to 40 KeV. The yields increase with the incident beam energy. The yield fromH10is smaller than that byH1+and is proportional to the cosecant of the incidence angle. The yield byH20is larger by a factor of two than that byH10with the same velocity. The mechanism of the secondary electron emission is discussed by comparing the yield byH10with that byH1+and by considering the observed angular dependence. The observed difference in the yields byH10andH1+is considered to originate essentially from the difference between the ionization cross-sections of the two particles within the shallow layer below the surface. A neutral particle detector has been made on the basis of the angular dependence results.