In this paper, secondary electron emission coefficients for metal surfaces bombarded by H+, H0, He+, and He0, and the ratios γH0γH+ and γH0γHe+ have been calculated. As in a previous paper, it is assumed that internal secondaries are produced by ionization. For the energy range 20 keV-2 MeV, Bethe's formula for ionization cross section has been modified to the form QB(1+βT), where QB is the ionization cross section given by Bethe's original expression, β is a constant, and T is the energy of the incident ion. For a proton beam, the capture cross section becomes appreciable for energy less than 200 keV. Hence, the beam is considered as a two-component system consisting of protons and hydrogen atoms both producing internal secondaries. Above this energy range, the beam is considered as a one-component system. Similarly, a hydrogen atomic beam has been considered as a three-component system consisting of H+, H0, and electrons, and a helium beam for energy greater than 80 keV as a four-component system consisting of He0, He+, He++, and electrons. Below 80 keV, the helium beam is regarded as a mixture of He0, He+, and electrons which produce secondaries by ionization. The calculated secondary electron emission coefficients are compared with experimental data. The agreements are satisfactory as the percentage deviation is only about 10%.