The Clustering of Extragalactic Extremely Red Objects

We have measured the angular and spatial clustering of 671 K5 Extremely Red Objects (EROs) from a 0.98 square degree sub-region of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey (NDWFS). Our study covers nearly 5 times the area and has twice the sample size of any previous ERO clustering study. The wide field of view and BwRIK passbands of the NDWFS allow us to place improved constraints on the clustering of z=1 EROs. We find the angular clustering of EROs is slightly weaker than in previous measurements, and w(1')=0.25+/-0.05 for K5 EROs is well approximated by a power-law, with r_0=9.7+/-1.1 Mpc/h in comoving coordinates. This is comparable to the clustering of 4L* early-type galaxies at z20 EROs is very broad, the spatial clustering of EROs decreases from r_0=9.7+/-1.1 Mpc/h for K20 EROs.
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