Pregnancy outcomes in women with primary raynaud's phenomenon

Pregnancy outcomes were assessed in 67 women who had well-defined primary Raynaud's phenomenon and in 30 controls, each of whom had been pregnant at least once. Twenty-seven patients had onset of Raynaud's phenomenon prior to any pregnancy, and 37 patients had onset of Raynaud's phenomenon after their last pregnancy. The frequency of miscarriage, stillbirth, and small full-term infants was similar in all 3 study groups. Among the 4 Raynaud's phenomenon patients who had second-trimester miscarriages, 2 of 3 who were tested had moderately positive levels of IgG or IgM anticardiolipin antibody. Premature births were significantly more common in pregnancies that occurred after the onset of Raynaud's phenomenon (24%) than in pregnancies that occurred prior to the onset of Raynaud's phenomenon or in pregnancies among control subjects (9% and 1%, respectively). In addition, the mean weight of the full-term babies of women in both Raynaud's phenomenon groups was significantly less than that of babies born to controls. There were no neonatal deaths or other serious adverse outcomes. These findings may represent yet another manifestation of systemic vasospasm in patients with primary Raynaud's phenomenon.