FSH and LH injected into pregnant rats in late gestation similarly inhibited parturition. Both produced heavily luteinized, mulberry type ovaries. The fetuses lived up to or beyond term. Unfractionated pituitary extract inhibited parturition and produced ovaries similar to those of FSH and LH. A subminimal amt. of unfractionated extract will inhibit parturition when hemin is added to it. Pregnant mare serum produced ovaries with many large follicles as well as corpora lutea, and was not so effective in inhibiting parturition. Two different, highly purified preps. of progestin were ineffective even in doses of 3 Rb. U. per day. Methyl alc. extracts of corpora lutea and of corpora lutea purified with benzene and acetone were unable definitely to inhibit parturition.