Prospective Evaluation of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin in the Differentiation of Undescended Testes From Retractile Testes

We prospectively evaluated the efficacy of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in the treatment of undescended testis and sought to determine whether HCG assists in the differentiation of undescended testis from retractile testis. Patients with undescended testes were offered HCG. Testis position, laterality and the presence or absence of a hypoplastic scrotum were noted. The same physician (G. W. K.) recorded physical findings prospectively and stated clinical impression of descent. A total of 67 patients with 90 undescended or retractile testes were treated and evaluated with HCG. Of the 64 undescended testes 13 (20%) descended with HCG therapy, with none requiring subsequent surgery. Of the 26 retractile testes 15 (58%) descended with HCG (p <0.001). Based on physical examination, 100% of retractile testes descended if the testis was in the high scrotal position but only 40% descended if the testis was in the superficial pouch or inguinal area. In the undescended testes group no ectopic or nonpalpable testis descended with HCG. Evaluation of HCG with age demonstrated minimal response (15%) to HCG at less than 24 months, and a peak response between ages 2 and 6 years (75%) with response decreasing thereafter. HCG may have a limited role in the evaluation of undescended testis in patients younger than 2 years. HCG can serve as an adjunct in the clinical diagnosis of retractile testis in older children.