Concussion in Sports

This is a special report of the findings of the Concussion Workshop, sponsored by the AOSSM in Chicago in December 1997. Here follows a listing of the members of the workshop: Julian Bailes, MD, American Association of Neurological Surgeons; Arthur Boland, MD, AOSSM; Charles Burke III, MD, National Hockey League; Robert Cantu, MD, American College of Sports Medicine; Letha “Etty” Griffin, MD, National Collegiate Athletic Association; David Hovda, PhD, Neuroscientist, UCLA School of Medicine; Mary Lloyd Ireland, MD, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; James Kelly, MD, American Academy of Neurology; Greg Landry, MD, American Academy of Pediatrics; Mark Lovell, PhD, Neuropsychology Specialist, Henry Ford Health Systems; James Mathews, MD, American College of Emergency Physicians; Michael McCrea, PhD, Neuropsychology Specialist, Waukesha Memorial Hospital; Douglas McKeag, MD, American Medical Society for Sports Medicine; Dennis Miller, ATC, National Athletic Trainers Association; Jeffrey Minkoff, MD, AOSSM; Stephen Papadopoulus, MD, Congress of Neurological Surgeons; Elliott Pellman, MD, National Football League; Richard Quincy, MS, PT, ATC, Sports Physical Therapy, El Pomar Sports Center; Herbert Ross, DO, American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine; Bryan Smith, MD, National Collegiate Athletic Association; and Edward Wojtys, MD, Workshop Chairman, AOSSM. The views in this report do not necessarily represent the views of the entire group comprising the Concussion Workshop Group.