21 artifical progester- one cycles were obtained in 1 sexually immature and 3 long-term castrate adult rhesus monkeys. Crystalline progesterone alone, without the help of estrogen, induced macroscopic withdrawal bleeding. A daily dose of at least 5 mg. given for 21 days is necessary for effective stimulation. The injn. of 10 mg./day for the same period induced withdrawal bleeding in 13 out of 14 expts. As little as 0.25 mg./day can maintain the endometrium indefinitely in a non-bleeding condition after adequate progesta-tional stimulation. The latent interval between the end of a course of progesterone and the onset of uterine bleeding is significantly shorter than that following the injn. of estrogen (3.75 [plus or minus] 0.52 days as compared with 7.99 [plus or minus] 0.36 days).