The Propagation of Oil-Moving and Solubilizing Components of Broad Equivalent-Weight Sulfonate Systems in Micellar Floods

This paper presents a novel method of characterizing the broad equivalent-weight (BEW) sulfonates composed of two pseudosulfonate fractions that behave as the oilmoving and the sulfonate-solubilizing components. The terms quasi-monosulfonate and quasi-disulfonate are used to characterize these oil-moving and solubilizing components, respectively. Such a description of BEW sulfonates allows determination of sulfonate concentration in the flowing phases as well as the quantity adsorbed on the porous medium, and permits modeling of the sulfonate retention and transport behavior. Furthermore, the paper shows that the performance of a BEW sulfonate system in which a lower-phase microemulsion environment is predominant can be predicted by using independently measured input data, which include interfacial tension (IFT), fluid viscosity, and sulfonate retention isotherm.

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