Multiple, targeted deficiencies in selectins reveal a predominant role for P-selectin in leukocyte recruitment

We extend our previous analyses of mice deficient in selectins by describing the generation and comparative phenotype of mice lacking one, two, or three selectins after sequential ablation of the murine genes encoding P-, E-, and L-selectins. All mice deficient in selectins are viable and fertile as homozygotes. However, mice missing both P- and E-selectins (PE−/−), and mice missing all three selectins (ELP−/−) develop mucocutaneous infections that eventually lead to death. Mice deficient in multiple selectins display varying degrees of leukocytosis, resulting in part from alterations in leukocyte rolling and recruitment. PE−/− mice, ELP−/− mice, and mice missing both P- and L-selectins (PL−/−) show drastic reductions in leukocyte rolling and in extravasation of neutrophils in thioglycollate-induced peritonitis. In a separate inflammatory model (ragweed-induced peritoneal eosinophilia), we demonstrate P-selectin to be both necessary and sufficient for the recruitment of eosinophils. The phenotype of mice missing both E- and L-selectins (EL−/−) is less severe than those seen in the other double knockouts. Comparisons among the double knockouts suggest that P-selectin normally cooperates with both E- and L-selectins. Our results indicate a preeminent role for P-selectin in regulating leukocyte behavior in mice. Data from the ELP−/− mice indicate, however, that all three selectins are important to leukocyte homeostasis and efficient neutrophil recruitment.