Searches forB0Decays to Combinations of Two Charmless Isoscalar Mesons

We search for B meson decays into two-body combinations of η,η,ω, and ϕ mesons from 89×106 BB¯ pairs collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e+e collider at SLAC. We find the branching fraction B(B0ηω)=(4.01.2+1.3±0.4)×106 with a significance of 4.3σ. For the other decay modes we set the following 90% confidence level upper limits on the branching fractions, in units of 106: B(B0ηη)<2.8, B(B0ηη)<4.6, B(B0ηη)<10, B(B0ηω)<2.8, B(B0ηϕ)<1.0, B(B0ηϕ)<4.5, and B(B0ϕϕ)<1.5.
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