Chew-Low Model for Regge-Pole Couplings

The couplings of a meson trajectory α(t) to the baryon octet B and the decimet Δ are studied in the Chew-Low model. The model predicts ratios, though not absolute magnitudes, for SU(3)-symmetric couplings of the 0 octet Π, 1 octet V, and 2+ octet T trajectories at the small t of either sign for which static kinematics is applicable. For non-spin-flip, the V and T trajectories are predicted to couple to B¯B like F+14D, independent of t. For magnetic dipole terms, the Π, V, and T trajectories are all predicted to couple to B¯B like D+23F, and to Δ¯B with the same relative strength as the 0 octet, independent of t. The electric quadrupole couplings of the Π, V, and T trajectories are predicted to be small, independent of t. These results generally agree with existing data, improve Sawyer's explanation of the Johnson-Treiman relations, provide a partial justification of the recent suggestion that V and T couplings are similar, predict that T exchange produces large spin flips, and predict certain ratios such as dσdt(πpπ0n)(dσdt)(π+pπ0N*++).