The total-cross-section data on π±p, K±p, K±n, pp, p¯p, pn, and p¯n for laboratory momenta in the range 5 to 20 BeV/c are analyzed in terms of a meson-exchange model. The dynamics of the theoretical model for the forward scattering amplitude are provided by the Regge-pole amplitudes of the contributing exchanges; the total cross sections are obtained by the optical theorem. The allowed neutral, zero-strangeness meson exchanges are classified as members of established SU(3) nonet or singlet multiplets. Certain linear combinations of the total cross sections are used in the analysis in order to separate the contributions of different SU(3) multiplets according to signature under charge conjugation C. The odd-C exchanges are associated with the members [ρ0(760),φ(1020),ω(783)] of the vector-meson nonet. The unitary-singlet Pomeranchuk Regge pole (P) and the Regge exchanges corresponding to the [A2(1310),s0(1525),f0(1250)] members of the tensor nonet comprise the even-C exchanges. The residues of the Regge poles are related by SU(3) symmetry. The model is consistent with the experimental total cross sections. A statistical fit to the data yields information on fd ratios, Regge-pole residues, and trajectory intercepts at zero-momentum transfer. These parameters are in turn used to predict the real parts of the forward elastic-scattering amplitudes.