Improved Theory of the Zeeman Effect of Atomic Oxygen

The previous calculations of Abragam and Van Vleck on the g factors of the 2p4P3 terms of atomic oxygen are refined by including exchange, using better wave functions, and not assuming that the charge distribution in which a 2p electron moves is spherically symmetric. In Sec. 2, a general technique is developed for calculating the relativistic and diamagnetic corrections to the g factors of complex atoms (Breit-Margenau and Lamb terms, etc.) by an expansion in spherical harmonics which is an extension of the well-known Slater procedure for computing the angular dependence of electrostatic energy. The integrals encountered are usually either of the Condon and Shortley F, G type, or variants thereof. The most important members are computed by means of the wave functions of Hartree, Hartree, and Swirles, based on a Fock self-consistent field, but some of the minor contributions are estimated with Slater wave functions improved by introducing slightly different screening constants for the 2s and 2p terms. When all corrections are comprised, including also the Schwinger electrodynamic shift, motion of nucleus, and deviations from Russell-Saunders coupling, the calculated values of the g factors for the P13 and P23 terms are, respectively, 1.500974, 1.500913, in excellent agreement with Rawson and Beringer's experimental determinations 1.500971, 1.500905.

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