Stark ionization in dc and ac fields: AnL2complex-coordinate approach

A finite-dimensional-matrix technique valid for computation of complex eigenvalues and eigenfunctions useful for discussing time evolution in both dc and ac Stark fields is presented. The complex eigenvalue parameters are those of appropriately analytically continued, time-independent Stark Hamiltonians as obtained via the complex scale transformation rreiθ. Such a transformation distorts the continuous spectrum away from the real axis, exposing the Stark resonances, and also allowing use of finite variational expansions employing L2 basis functions chosen from a complete discrete basis. The structure of the dc and ac Stark Hamiltonians is discussed and extensive convergence studies performed in both the dc and ac cases to fully document the utility of the method. Sudden and adiabatic dc Stark time evolution is used to illustrate the power of finite-dimensional-matrix methods in describing complex, multiple-time-scale time evolution. The relationship between the ac Stark Hamiltonian used (a time-independent truncated Floquet Hamiltonian) and continued-fraction perturbation theory follows easily via use of matrix partitioning, and provides a particularly straightforward derivation of these results. Finally, some illustrative calculations of off-resonant generalized cross sections are given at low and high intensities, indicating that the method works satisfactorily at intensities the order of internal atomic field strengths. A more detailed discussion of time evolution in two-, three-, and four-photon ionization processes appears in the following paper by Holt, Raymer, and Reinhardt.