Study of the Coherentp¯d→n¯dπ−Reaction at 5.55 GeV/c

Based on 150 000 photographs an analysis of the p¯dn¯dπ reaction is presented. Cross sections for all the coherent channels obtained from this exposure are also given. The interpretations of the n¯π enhancement at Mn¯ π1.3 GeV/c2 and the d* bump at 2.16 GeV/c2 observed in the p¯dn¯dπ reaction are discussed. Peripheral-type models are used in order to describe some production features of the p¯dn¯dπ reaction. The diffraction-dissociation aspect of the present data is discussed. Helicity conservation in the s or t channel is tested for the p¯dn¯d π channel and also for the p¯dp¯d π+π and p¯dNd3π reactions.