Avoidance of Groupthink

Groupthink is a problem thatplagues decision-making groups. This article reviews antecedent and procedural conditions leading to groupthink and examines productive meeting processes that can prevent groupthink. The article then explores the possible role that group support systems (GSS) may play in the development of these productive meeting processes. Group support systems are an advanced information technology that provide electronic support to groups involved in teamwork. This technology possesses certain inherent resources or structuralfeatures. This article proposes aframeworkfor the study of the effects of GSS on groupthink. It examines the effects of GSS structuralfeatures on antecedent and procedural conditions predisposing groupthink. Existing GSS research relevant to groupthink-related variables is reviewed. The review of GSS structural features and of existing GSS research indicates that GSS use might indeed be an appropriate method of preventing groupthink. Finally, the article proposes a methodologyfor the empirical study of the impact of GSS use on groupthink.