Autoionization of high-lBa 6p1/2nl states

The autoionization rates and energies of the Ba 6p1/2nl states for n=11–13 have been measured using a multistep laser-excitation technique. The excitation is via the bound 6snl states which are populated using an electric-field switching method that allows the selective population of the high-angular-momentum states. The results of the measurements indicate an n3 dependence and a rapid decrease of the autoionization rates with l. For the lowest-l states studied here, l=4, the rates are ≃1011 s1. At l≃8 the autoionization rates fall below the radiative decay rate of 2×108 s1. Autoionization rates larger than 1010 s1 are obtained by direct measurements of spectral widths, while smaller rates are determined by a saturation-broadening technique. The autoionization rates are in agreement with calculations based on an nl electron in a hydrogenic orbit around a Ba+ core.