The 0°-90° differential resonance displacement Δν=ν(0)ν(90) and the 0° total resonance displacement ν(0)νM of the NMR-ON (oriented nuclei) resonances of Co60 in hcp Co have been measured at a temperature T=10(1) mK as +57(6) kHz and +0.44(9) MHz, respectively. Using the relations νQ=c1Δν and νQ=c2(ν(0)νM), where c1 and c2 are calculable constants, the quadrupole splitting νQ=e2qQh is deduced as -3.1(4) MHz. In combination with NMR data on Co59Co (hcp) the electric field gradient (EFG) in hcp Co is found to be -0.30(3)×1017 V/cm2. The negative sign supports the correlation of EFG's in hcp transition metals reported recently. For Co60Co (fcc) a small positive quadrupole splitting νQ=+0.75(39) MHz was observed.