The nature and mechanisms of altered food acceptability during adherence to a reduced-fat diet have not been characterized. These issues were assessed in healthy adults assigned to a reduced-fat diet excluding discretionary fat sources (n = 9), a similar diet permitting fat-modified products (n = 9) or no dietary modification (n = 9). Sensory responses to foods, body composition, and dietary intake were determined at baseline, monthly during 12 wk of diet adherence, and 12 follow-up wk. Marked and comparable reductions of fat intake were achieved in the experimental groups. Hedonic (ie, pleasantness) ratings for high-fat foods and preferred fat content of selected foods declined, but only in the group deprived of sensory exposure to fats. Thus, the frequency of sensory exposure to fats exerts a stronger influence on hedonic ratings of foods containing fat than total fat intake. The hedonic shift may promote long-term compliance with a reduced-fat diet.