Reversal of Thiazide-Induced Transient Hyperuricemia by Uricosuric Agents

SINCE their introduction in 1958 the thiazides have had very extensive use in medical practice. Coincident with their wide acceptance, reports began to appear concerning side effects such as hypokalemia,1 2 3 hyperglycemia4 and hyperuricemia.3 , 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Healey and his associates7 have demonstrated that uricosuric agents can prevent such thiazide-induced uricemia.The present investigation was conducted to determine how effective uricosuric agents were in preventing thiazide hyperuricemia and to what extent they might interfere with the diuretic action. With the use of long-term studies during a constant diet and short-term measurements of renal function normal subjects received thiazide drugs in brief courses, with or . . .