Quantum confined Stark effect in InGaAs/InP single quantum wells investigated by photocurrent spectroscopy

The authors report room-temperature measurements of the quantum confined Stark effect in single InGaAs/InP quantum wells grown by low-pressure MOVPE. Photocurrent measurements on pin diodes containing single quantum wells have been used to demonstrate strong excitonic absorption features which exhibit substantial spectral shift in an applied electric field. These excitonic absorption features remain well resolved for values of electric field up to 4*105 V cm-1. The observed field dependence of the excitonic transition energies and their oscillator strengths is in good agreement with the predicted dependence obtained from an effective-mass mode over a range of well thicknesses from 45 to 110 AA. Integration of the spectra over a wide wavelength range shows a constant integrated absorption as a function of electric field in confirmation of the absorption sum rule.