The fluorescence, Auger, and Coster Kronig LIIsubshell yields of thorium

Fluorescence ( omega 2), Auger (a2) and Coster Kronig (f23) LII subshell yields in thorium have been determined from measurement of LX-rays emitted following alpha decay of 232U. alpha -X coincidences techniques, employing a surface barrier detector for the alpha particles and NaI(Tl) scintillation counter for LX-rays, were used to measure the total fluorescence yield omega L of the L shell in 228Th. The relative intensity of the LX photons from the LII and the LIII subshells was determined with a Si(Li) LX-ray spectrometer. The experimental results are: omega 2=0.44+or-0.03; f23=0.13+or-0.10; a2=0.43+or-0.10, and omega L=0.46+or-0.03.