Natural History of Fetal Ventriculomegaly

The natural history of in utero ventriculomegaly was defined by a retrospective review of the outcome of 47 fetuses evaluated during a 5-year period by the Fetal Treatment Program at the University of California. In 20 fetuses, a diagnosis of ventriculomegaly associated with other severe abnormalities was made early in pregnancy. Termination of pregnancy was elected in 19 of 20 cases, and no fetus survived. In five fetuses, the diagnosis was made late in pregnancy and was associated with severe abnormalities. Fetuses were handled in a routine obstetric fashion and none survived. Of the other 22 fetuses 19 had stable and two had progressive ventriculomegaly; in one case, ventriculomegaly resolved in utero. Nineteen of these fetuses have survived, 13 with normal intellectual development and six with moderately to severely delayed development. Associated abnormalities were detected with ultrasonography in 74% of fetuses; there was a 20% false-negative rate of detection. Ventriculomegaly was isolated and progressive in two fetuses. In both cases, fetuses were delivered at term, and postnatally a shunting procedure was performed. Both children are neurologically normal. From our results and a review of the literature, which supports our findings, we were unable to define a group of fetuses with in utero ventriculomegaly that would benefit from in utero shunting.